Quotes From "How To Survive A Sharknado And Other Unnatural Disasters: Fight Back When Monsters And Mother Nature Attack" By Andrew Shaffer

If the food supply runs out, try trapping or hunting animals. For most people, this won't be easy. If you can't catch any animals, it's time to throw a Donner party. Andrew Shaffer
3. When making your dramatic exit, crawl along one of the web strands that extend outward from the center. Avoid the webbing that runs in concentric circles, as it's the stickiest. 4. Once you've escaped, say something snarky to the queen, like "Sorry I couldn't stick around. Andrew Shaffer
Don't needlessly draw attention to yourself. If you're twerking on the beach, a circling pteracuda could mistake you for a wounded animal. Andrew Shaffer
If it's dive-bombing you from the air, bury yourself in the sand. It might lose sight of you. Also, no one likes to eat food covered in sand. No one. Andrew Shaffer
You can survive up to three weeks without food. You can only survive for three days without water. No one knows how many days you can survive without caffeine. Andrew Shaffer